Mai Ram Yoga ashram, located in the heart of the old town of Vilnius.
Augustijonų st. 2 Vilnius, Lithuania
Working hours according to the class shedule.
Thank you to all those who benevolently help Guru Mai Ram and support the activities
of Mai Ram Yoga Ashram.
VŠĮ „Savitri“ Į. k. 301487578
PVM mokėtojo kodas LT100008730316
Savičiaus g. 13–3 / Augustijonų g. 2–3,
Vilnius AB bankas Swedbank b. k. 73000
a. s. LT507300010104769244.
AgniFood - Cafe at Mai Ram Yoga Ashram
Cafe opening hours:
I-VII 11.00 – 20.00 h.